Tito Micheli:
“The man of 5 rounds in less than a second“
The first casing hadn't touched the ground yet while the fifth was already being ejected.
What's Tito's secret? "If you don't want to work all your life, find an activity you like!"
And that's exactly what his life is about: his passion for firearms led him to work at Benelli for 46 years, starting in 1968, when the company had just been founded.
After his first job interview, shortly after finishing his military service, Tito met Paolo Benelli. He then became manager of the company's Customer Service department. His position allowed him to travel all around the world: United States, France, Greece, Spain, and so on.
Nostalgically, Tito plunges into the past: “I remember when, in 1970, they would show a commercial between the first and second half of a movie at the cinema, in which I shot 5 rounds in less than a second. A record for semi-automatic shotguns and a prideful moment I keep in my heart."